Windows 7 Sp1 Beta

07-04-2010, 21:19   |  #1  
prodigy avatarı
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Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Mar 2007

In January we reported first images of windows 7 service pack 1 revealed by a Spanish blog, now GeekSmack site claims that have [url=]managed[/url] to [url=]lay[/url] their hands on a Windows 7 SP1 beta and revealed some images of the beat build.

According to chris123NT this build is very recent, with a compile date of March 27th and he said the installation of [url=]win[/url] 7 SP1 beta is much faster than the install process of service packs in Vista OS. But they didn’t revealed any [url=]information[/url] regrading expected improvements to be seen in Win 7 SP 1 such as USB 3.0 support and refined versions of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Where is Windows 7 SP 1 beta available ?
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Beta Build  is leaked to several file sharing sites and Bittorrent sites, you can search it with the following string
Windows 7 SP1 is expected to land sometime in September of this year, with a beta build in June.

Read more:

Kaynak: Techno 360.ın

Batuhan Karsan 26
14-04-2010, 17:42   |  #2  
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Türkçe seçeneği yok kesin indirme boşver

Deniz Selçok
14-04-2010, 18:30   |  #3  
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Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Tem 2008

Beta  değil, pre beta sürümler bunlar arkadaşlar. Ayrıca bunu buraya olduğu gibi alıp yazmanızın anlamı nedir?